Project dealt with research and development of new types of plastic foils, allowing automatic identification. Research and experimental activities were focused on suitable materials and technology for printing RFID antennas on the foil element and application of RFID chip. Packaging of smart foils are able to store and provide information about the content. The uniqueness of the solution lies in the integration the RFID element in the foil in the process of manufacturing plastic packaging.
The general objective of the project was the research and development that enable the introduction of smart package foils to the industrial production. The first part of the research and experimental work was focused on finding a suitable material and technology for printing of RFID antennas during the manufacturing process of plastic foils. This part was followed by experimental finding of a suitable method of applying RFID chip to the created antenna.
From these improved foils it can be produced a wide range of plastic packages of various types with wide range of applications. Packages will then be able to store information about their content through RFID chips. Technology of production of these prototypes will be protected by a patent.
- Provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
- Program: Alfa
- Project duration: 2012 – 2014
- Cooperation with: Invos spol. s r.o.